2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Little Gems for the Week Ending September 1, 2012

I haven't really been posting any of these posts in the last few weeks because my mailbox has been very quiet :(  

Fortunately, I have a lot of great things to share with you this week mainly because I am having a birthday in a few weeks (and its a big one!!UGH!) and my friends have been sending along some early birthday gifts :)

The great thing about my friends they know exactly what I like.

From my friend Margie - This wonderful HELLO KITTY BACKPACK

From my co-worker and friend Caroline, a HELLO KITTY soup mug and Chai Latte for my Keurig

From Yves Rocher (I am a good client there) this Malaysan Coconut body lotion
From my friend Sharon this wonderful Keep Calm and Purr On tote bag (the proceeds went to our local cat shelter)

I love all of my gifts :)  Thank you to my great friends.

I also picked up 5 Cosmopolitan magazines at a local church flea market.  Of course, the woman working the book table was scandalized that the church actually permitted the sale of these "sinful" magazines and apparently, I may just be going to hell for reading them !  you gotta love the dogma at 9:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning!!!


bermudaonion said...

Happy early birthday! I love the Keurig chai latte!

Wall-to-wall books said...

Hello Kitty!!!!
Oh my gosh I love that HK mug! so cute! Have you seen the new ones ot B&N for Halloween yet?
Hmm I was gonna send you a link but they don't have a picture of it.

Tina said...

Wall-to-wall books - thanks for the heads up, I am going to check out the mugs at B&N!

cindysloveofbooks said...

Happy early birthday Tina :)

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