2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, September 10, 2012

REVIEW for The Wedding Diaries

Thank you, thank you to the wonderful people at AVON in the UK for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:          The Wedding Diaries

TITLE:          Sam Binnie

GENRE:        Chick Lit


I love chick lit that centers around planning a wedding, mainly because there is so much raw material available to create a wonderfully ‘over’ the top story of a manic bride and all the crazy things that are associated with planning a wedding.

While I never quite got the whole ‘bridezilla’ thing, I nonetheless love to read about it.

Enter – The Wedding Diaries and our main character, Kiki Carlow.

Kiki finally gets  her wedding proposal and starts to document her wedding preparations.  While, at the beginning you can easily see that Kiki is clueless about what she is entering into, as the wedding day approaches, you can actually start to feel the increased urgencies of the entries.  Coincidentally, Kiki, who works in publishing is also helping a celebrity with her own wedding book.  It is all very synchronicity and all that.

I love a diary format – it cuts down on excessive dialogue and detail that many authors tend to feel they need to add to their storyline and, in this case, it works beautifully as it clearly shows just own crazy wedding planning can get (not to mention expensive!).

I keep coming back to this focus because I loved just how innocent Kiki and Thom (her husband to be) were about their very own wedding.  Also, the author does a fine job of actually drawing you into the wedding preparations, the good, the bad and the ugly and  I found myself thoroughly enjoying any moment with Kiki’s sister Susie.  The book also focuses somewhat on Thom, the groom and while I thought this was refreshing, I found myself not liking him as much as a character, mainly because I felt he seemed somewhat disconnected from the preparations and the bride, leaving me a little annoyed.

I really enjoyed this very funny, head nodding yes chick lit read and I look forward to the others in this series (you just know there are more to come).

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

This sounds really cute!

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