2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, October 8, 2012

REVIEW for Sparks of Divinity

Once again, I must say "thank you, thank you, thank you" to the wonderful Linda at Rodmell Press for sending me this great book and making me discover a gem.

TITLE:          Sparks of Divinity - B.K.S. Lyengar

AUTHOR:     Noelle Perez-Christiaens

GENRE:        Inspirational


Ever since I discovered a love for yoga and spirituality, I have strived to discover books that inspire and touch me and Sparks of Divinity definitely fits into this category.

It is always difficult to review this type of book because, of course, the meanings we can find within the pages can be so personal and different for each person.

There is no question that B.K.S. Lyengar has been a huge influence and a pioneer in divinity and this book was written by Noelle Perez-Christiaens who was lucky enough to experience the wisdom. Fortunately, the author chose to share with us the many words of wisdoms and gems that Lyengar lived by and practiced.

This book  is a gem - from the very first sentence, I found myself touched, inspired and even in awe.  It amazes me how some mere mortals are actually so in touch with themselves and the lives around them.  They are superior beings and I welcome their insights and words on life and living.

We all tend to forget that we are spiritual beings and as I read this book - slowly in order to completely absorb it, I found myself just a little closer to my own center - if only for a few seconds.

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