2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, October 15, 2012

BLOG TOUR for Picture Perfect

I am thrilled to be part of the http://chicklitplus.com/picture-perfect-lucie-simone/ blog tour!

I love working with Chicklitplus as they always have the most amazing authors on tour.

TITLE:                   Picture Perfect

AUTHOR:               Lucie Simone

GENRE:                 Chick Lit

RATING:               3 stars

To be honest, I wasn't sure if I was going to really enjoy this novel in the beginning as I really did not like Lauren very much - mainly because she felt flaky to me.  While this might be an acceptable character in chick lit and I have no problem with it, I do like my main characters to "grow" during the storyline and I am not sure this happened here.

Having said that, Lauren did manage to put herself into some hilarious situations which is why i rated this book a 3 star.  I love laughing out loud when I read chick lit and Simone does a great job of inserting random and unpredictable things throughout her plot that made the book move forward and gave it a lot of humor.

I also enjoyed the focus on the press, something Lauren seems to have a love/hate relationship with and this reminded me of all those Hollywood types who complain about the press and then manipulate them to get what they want - this was an interesting look at that particular issue.

I liked Lauren's love interest, although I have to admit that I thought the whole thing was a bit "fast".  Still it gave the novel that touch of romance that was kind of missing and I liked it.

Overall, this was an okay story - I am happy I read it.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Thanks for being in the tour!

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