2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, October 22, 2012

REVIEW for Yoga for Meditators

I want to give a shout out to Rodmell Press for sending me a copy of this great book.

TITLE:                       Yoga for Meditators

AUTHOR:                  Charlotte Bell

GENRE:                      Yoga 


Anyone who has read my blog over the last years knows that I am a huge Rodmell Press fan and when I read and consult their wonderful books, I find my love affair with this publisher simply continues to grow :)


Yoga for Meditators is a new read for me and I found myself instantly hooked (again!).  Written by a yoga teacher who has first hand knowledge on the subject matter, the first thing I was asked to consider is the fact that for many of us (certainly for me!) sitting and simply "being" is a huge challenge.  While people who regularly meditate might not understand this, I have a hard time just sitting.

Bell considers this and has written this book with this main thought in mind.  Divided into various sections, she explores the subject by discussing it and then proceeding to step by step tips and methods designed to help us meditate - to basically "quiet our body" as Bell suggests.

I especially loved the section "Alternate"  positions - which encourages to mediate throughout our day - whether we are walking or doing any other type of activity.

The book is well illustrated and extremely easy to read and understand. You certainly do not have to be a pro at yoga or meditating to practice the techniques in this book.

I loved it.

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