2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

REVIEW for Rearview Mirror

TITLE:          Rearview Mirror

AUTHOR:      Alana Stewart

GENRE:         Memoir


I have to admit that I had no particular opinion on Alana Stewart.  However, I had the opportunity to meet her briefly at BEA in 2012 and she was quite nice - actually talking to me for a few minutes and not simply dismissing me after signing her book card.

I was excited to get my hands on her book and when it released on Kindle, I jumped on it.

I was pleasantly surprised by the writing.  Stewart had a rough childhood and I felt for her and her struggle with her emotions about this time in her life which obviously motivated much of her future.
She writes with passion and honesty about how hard it was and yet, does not hesitate to show that she was not always as supportive or present as she could have been.

In fact this is kind of a theme throughout the book - honesty.  I like that immensely and I like that while describing her two major relationships (George Hamilton and Rod Stewart) she is conscious of the fact that she did not always make the best choices as a woman, wife or mother.

I have to admit that I do not understand her choice in men - as neither Hamilton or Stewart would be my choice, especially if I looked like Alana but that's not really pertinent to this review actually :)

I loved, loved the spirituality that is sprinkled throughout the latter part of the her memoir.  It is obvious that Alana has been and continues to want to work on herself and for anyone in 12 step programs this book will touch a nerve (in a good way).

This book was quite short, but I actually thoroughly enjoyed it.  Kudos to Stewart for her honesty and for being brave enough to write this.


Wall-to-wall books said...

I have never heard of her before???? She is very pretty! Sounds good, I will look into it.

bermudaonion said...

I love memoirs and will have to look for this one.

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