2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


I (finally!) managed to get together with my friend and blogger Cindy today!  We have been trying to coordinate a date that works for both of us and let me tell you - it was almost as complicated as planning our last BEA trip LOL!!!

It was terrific to spend time with her and, of course, since we haven't seen each other in two months (wow! the time goes by quickly) we had tons of stuff to talk about.  From (of course!) our next BEA and New York visit in 2013 - which was upfront and OUR MAIN topic of conversation, we also talked about books. publishing companies, Christmas and some personal stuff that we both have going on.

Cindy and I exchanged our usual stuff - I gave her some Publishers Weekly magazines and Cindy gave me a TON of magazines - Cindy, you are completely nuts! LOL LOL.  I mean the bag was full.  I took a picture :)

I will be reading these for the next 3 months!

We also exchanged Christmas gifts!!!!! and Cindy's wonderful son Michael sent along some gifts for me as well - it was all HELLO KITTY all the time and I LOVED IT.

Thank you Cindy and Michael!!!!

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

How fun!! I wish I had some bloggers near me.

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