2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Review for The Green Ticket

I was thrilled when author (and CLP Blog owner) asked me if I would review her second novel, The Green Ticket.

TITLE:                   The Green Ticket

AUTHOR:               Samantha March

GENRE:                 Chick Lit


The Green Ticket was a wonderful, wonderful read.  It was kind of a mixture of chick lit and business book, but all told in an extremely entertaining and engaging manner.

Alex is in school studying business, but she is not sure what she wants to "really" be when she grows up - especially since she is still relying on her big sister to support her right now.  I have to admit that was a bit of a turn off for me - having the main character still relying on an older sister, although the author does a great job of explaining why the sisters are so close.

However, all of this changes when Alex, encouraged by her friends applies for a job at a Spa.  

At first, her bosses Dani and Kevin seem great, but not everything is what it seems and  Alex discovers things about her boss that she would prefer not to know.

The writing is great. I love how March writes dialogue that is entertaining - giving us enough information without making the story seem way too detail.  I also loved that Alex has such wonderful friendships, although, at times, I questioned their maturity.  Still, it is obvious just how much growing and maturing Alex needs to do in this job and I loved that we could follow this progression throughout the storyline.

I also was quite surprised by the Dani character -who I thought would be way different than the way she was actually written (I liked this character and felt sorry for her at the same time).

This book just flew for me.  It was one of those stories that I did not want to put down and I recommend it ALOT!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful review!

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