2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goodbye (and good riddance) 2012 HAPPY 2013 TO ALL MY READERS!!!!

Most of the people who follow my blog know that I like to do a recap of the passing year on the last day (or in this case second to last day) of the current calendar!

First, I want to wish all my wonderful blog readers a wonderful and healthy 2013!!!  and, of course, a ton of great books to discover :)

Well, here we are again – the very end of 2012.  I remember writing, at the end of 2011, how I hoped that 2012 would be much better than 2011.  In fact, I would have been happy with 2012 being ‘just a bit’ better, but unfortunately, that was not the case. Having said that, however, it appears to be that 2012 was not particularly kind to many people around me, so I don’t feel personally attacked

I always believe that there is a life lesson in every hardship that happens and if this is true, I have gained an impressive numbers of life lessons in 2012.

Of course, not all of it was bad.  In fact, there were some wonderful parts and these certainly help make the rest of the year easier.

Of course, BEA was up front and center for me in 2012.  That week in June, in New York City was magical and worth absolutely every, every penny I spent on it.  No other trip I made in 2012 (I traveled to Kingston, Ontario on quite a few occasions and even Mexico for a week) come close to matching the fun, excitement and sheer amazingness  that is  BEA and majestic and glamorous New York City.

I was also fortunate enough to have a pretty great job in 2012.  While it is a contract position, it keeps being extended and what was originally a 2 month contract started in 2010 has morphed into an almost 3 year contract (and still going).  I am grateful for a wonderful, wonderful boss and some great, great co-workers who have made going to work fun.

This year, I was also lucky enough to spend quality time with my cat Griz who is getting on in age, but still loves to spend her time with me.  I have been blessed with wonderful pets in my life.

I am also lucky health wise, for the most part.  My mother who is in her 80’s (she would kill me if she knew I told) is in good health (cross my fingers and thank you god) and although the end of 2012 has been more difficult for me physically, I am grateful for the good health I have been given.

Some of the harder parts of my year are mainly associated with friendships –

I found myself having to come to harsh truths this year, especially about my oldest and dearest male friend.  Despite us being bestest friends for 40 years, he managed to so horribly disappoint me that he has forever ruined our friendship and the acceptance of who he has become has been one of the hardest things I have had to confront in 2012.

I also found myself having to distance myself from a friend who was giving me negative thoughts all the time.  Every time I spoke with her, she would complain about something and I noticed that when I hung up with her (we spoke every day) I would feel extremely tense.  One of the things I am learning in my life is to walk away from toxic (to me) people and apparently, I was forced to do that a few times this year.

I have also been through some weird health issues in the last month. Since my return from Mexico, I have had a skin infection, problems with my mouth and a horrible cold – all back to back.  My doctor's medical expertise - "stay away from Mexico".  (don't worry Dr. not a problem).

Needless to say that I will NOT be going back to Mexico anytime soon (or EVER!).  I am definitely a New York type of girl. I will leave the sun, the heat, the pool and the non stop drinking to people who aspire to that kind of thing when they go on vacation.  In the meantime, I will be soaking up the culture and the fun in one of the world’s most exciting cities - New York City here I come :) (god willing, of course).

For 2013, I am excited to be planning my trip to BEA – this is a huge, huge thing for me and I am so psyched!!!  I also have a few other things that I am looking forward to and, while I try to definitely stay away from making New Year’s resolutions (too much pressure) I have made one for 2013 and come high or hell water, I AM going to keep it:

and that is  NO DRAMA for 2013.  So, if you are in my life or want to be – leave the drama at the door or stay away


Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

Life definitely has its ups and downs. Looks like you had a bit of both. Glad to hear you LOVED BEA! For a book lover that is a highlight for sure. Sorry to hear that some of your friendships went sour. That is hard. I agree that toxic relationships need to be eliminated from our lives. Being around positive upbuilding people makes life a whole lot more tolerable and wonderful at the same time. Enjoy 2013!

bermudaonion said...

I hope 2013 is your best year ever! I hope to see you at BEA! Happy New Year!

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