2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, January 4, 2013

REVIEW for You Had Me at Hello

Thank you goes out to the wonderful HarperCollins UK for sending this book to me.

TITLE:                 You Had Me at Hello

AUTHOR:              Mhairi Mcfarlane

GENRE:               Chick Lit


Okay, this book came at a very odd time for me – as I was kind of living something very similar in ‘real life’ and it ended badly.  I did not know how this would affect my enjoyment or objectivity, but I thought I would at least give it a try and I am happy that I did.

Firstly, I loved the title You Had Me at Hello.  Secondly, as I was reading, I wondered just how many people in the world actually lived this kind of thing – old friends who have never really resolved anything accidently meet and end up seeing their relationship actually improve or implode.    This is actually a very general description of the plotline because what really follows is a kind of moving story about two people who never seem(ed) to be at the same place in their lives at the same time – except that life happens.

Yep, I could totally relate to this one.  The frustration, the love, the uncertainty and the anger at destiny and how you can’t really control anything in life – including who you fall in or out of love with and at what time in your life.

This book is charming, entertaining and actually kind of hopeful – it also goes to prove that love truly isn’t enough to help you make it through, or is it?  


bermudaonion said...

I love books like this!

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

It's good that you were able to relate to it and found it hopeful.

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