2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, December 21, 2012

REVIEW for A Merry Little Christmas

Thank you to the wonderful publisher HarperCollins UK for sending me a copy of this great book!

TITLE:             A Merry Little Christmas

AUTHOR:         Julia Williams

GENRE:           Fiction


I am not huge on reading Christmas romance stories because, quite frankly, its been my experience that what happens in plotlines, rarely happen in real life – at least in my ‘real life’.

Having said that, however, I have to say that I fell in love with the cover of A Merry Little Christmas and since I was looking for an uplifting read, I thought I would give it a try.

I am so happy that I did.  Was a wonderful book.  Why? Well, basically, because the author managed to write about every day life events and happenings (the good and the not so good), all the while giving me the impression that ‘everything will be okay’.  I loved this ability to give me a taste of real life, i.e. the main characters are dealing with a sullen daughter, a mother that is not feeling well, running a farm as well as a devastating accident,  all the while trying to basically juggle all of it together.

As the author takes us on a tour of daily life, we get sprinkles of how believing in the magical time that is Christmas can make it all easier – at least in the short term.

I really enjoyed reading this novel.  The author writes extremely well and has a way of making the characters come alive for me.  I loved that.

This is a great, great read.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Well I happen to love reading Christmas - romance or any other!
This book sounds great. I will add it to my wish list!
Nice review!

bermudaonion said...

This sounds like a wonderful Christmas book!

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