2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

REVIEW for Unmasking Maya

Thank you to the author, Libby Mercer, for sending me a copy of her book.

TITLE:                     Unmasking Maya

AUTHOR:                 Libby Mercer

GENRE:                    YA


Unmasking of Maya can definitely be classified as chick lit, which, if you read my blog is a good thing J

Having said this, however, I have mixed feelings about this book.  It wasn’t horrible or boring or anything of the sort, but it is also not really a book that stuck out in my mind.  I liked the down to earth and entertaining writing.  I also loved the premise – Maya needs to start over and does it in a very realistic way, in fact, I found myself rooting for her big time.

The problem started, for me, when Derek Whitley comes into the picture.  At first, I liked him because he sounded like such a cold fish – which is fairly rare to find in chick lit books.  I thought the story worked very well between Maya and Derek until that little ‘romance spark’ started to surface.  Unfortunately, at this point, the storyline started to sound like so many other romance books I have read in my life.

I would have loved it if the author had simply explored their relationship (and dynamics) from a professional and/or friendship point of view and just let go of the romance idea.

This was not a horrible book at all.  It was a good read, but it also felt like something I have read and read and read……

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