2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

PRODUCT REVIEW for Pura D'Or Argan Oil

Thank you very much to the Pura Oil company for sending along this wonderful oil.

As most of you know, I rarely review products, especially beauty products, because I am very skeptical.  However, I had heard great things about this product and was absolutely delighted when I was asked to review it.

Firstly, I am a big believer in the "power" of certain oils - especially if it means that I can reduce wrinkles and have softer skin.  While I am lucky enough to have been blessed with easy to care for skin, I am getting older and I was especially curious to see if Pura Oil would actually help me with the small lines and wrinkles and after about two weeks, I actually saw some results.

I like applying this oil to my face, but also to my hands, elbows and feet.  I only have to use a little bit as it it is 100% pure and very easy to apply.

I also apply some of this to my scalp (before washing my hair) and kind of massage in. This is an Ayurveda technique that I discovered a few years ago and there is nothing like it to relax me.

This oil is perfect if you are looking for a product that is pure, non toxic and works!!!!

1 comment:

Hair Regrowth said...

Awesome product,it really works for me, Argan oil is used to treat dry skin and hair because it is natural, pure and organic. Thanks:)

]Pura D

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