2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Review for The Baby Diaries

Thank you to the wonderful people at Harper Collins UK for sending me this great book.

TITLE:            The Baby Diaries

AUTHOR:        Sam Binnie

GENRE:          Fiction (chick lit)


I was lucky enough to read the first book in this series - The Wedding Diaries.  I love, love "diary" type books and I am so happy that I got to read The Baby Diaries.

Once again, our main character Kiki is back and this time, she is pregnant - a whole new obsession for her to deal with.

Kiki is entertaining because she kind of "manages to obsess" over whatever big event is going on in her life.  I love that this author can incorporate humor as well as touching moments throughout the storyline.  Kiki's thoughts and emotions are very clearly set out in this book and we get to "follow" along with her ups and downs, as well as deal with a "friend" and some challenging foes.

Both The Wedding Diaries and the Baby Diaries are fun because they, in my opinion, portray both the realistic and more unrealistic sides of weddings and babies.  Yes, this book has some pretty "romanticized" view of pregnancy, but you also get the other side - the fear, the doubts and the insecurity - a winning combination.

I love this author and I can't wait to read her next book.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

This looks and sounds adorable!

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