2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, June 28, 2013

REVIEW for Thousand Words

Thank you, thank you Hachette Canada.

TITLE:             Thousand Words

AUTHOR:        Jennifer Brown

GENRE:            YA


OK, I have absolutely loved everything this author has ever written - but fair warning, Brown's books are hard to read - they are extremely realistic and always deal  with contemporary social issues that many people would prefer NOT to deal with.

In Thousand Words, Brown explores the ramifications of taking nude pictures and sending them through text - where basically, in cyberspace nothing really ever gets deleted forever.

Our main character Ashleigh is a smart girl who fears losing her boyfriend Kaleb.  After some encouragement from her drunk friends, she sends her boyfriend Kaleb a texted picture of herself naked.

Immediately, things start to spiral out of control as the pictures starts circulating, thanks in part by  Kaleb, who by now, is all about getting ever with her.

What scares me the most about this book is that absolutely everything in this story can so easily happen (and has happened I am sure).  It shows how easily one bad judgment call can completely turn around the lives of so many people.

I have to admit that I dug into this book and could not put it down.  I loved, loved the storyline and the author is to be applauded for writing such a great book on such a sensitive issue.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

It sounds like this should be required reading for teens.

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