2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

REVIEW for Wish you Were Here

Once again, a huge thank you goes out to Harpercollins UK (Avon divisio) for sending me some of the best chick lit!!!

TITLE:                          Wish you Were Here

AUTHOR:                     Victoria Connelly

GENRE:                        Chick Lit


While living in Montreal is great, I must admit to wondering about life in far away places which is why I loved this book right from the very beginning.

The author chooses the locale of Kethos as her setting and one of Connelly’s strength is detailing and writing about locales so that you actually feel as though you are there in person.  What a great gift.

Our main character Alice (even the name is a bit bland – apologies to all the Alice’s out there!) is bored and boring – basically looking for ‘her life to begin’.  She finds herself with her sister, who is her opposite and not always very nice on the island of Kethos where she meets a man who suggests she make a wish to the state of Aphrodite.

She immediately starts to feel changes in her life (both interior and exterior).  Can Alice really get her fondest wish?

This storyline was interesting to me because I believe the author was building an entire backstory which I call – the power of believing in yourself.

This is why the book was so entertaining to me.  The question posed – was it Alice’s belief in the powers of her wish that made her dreams come true or was it in the fact that with a little encouragement she could believe in herself.

Great book and if you want to ‘run away to the islands’ then this book will do the trick.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

This sounds really cute!

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