2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

REVIEW for Stranded

I wish I could give this book 3.5 stars - but I don't have that option on Goodreads. That, in a nutshell, describes my feeling for this book. At times I found the story to be a 3 with some 3.5 moments.

Thank you to Simon Pulse for giving me an ebook copy.

TITLE:         Stranded

AUTHOR:    Melinda Braun

GENRE:        YA/Action/Adventure


I love, love books that feature some kind of "stranded" scenario, especially if it is us against mother nature. Unfortunately, I haven't read many of these types of books and I get that they can be a challenge to write.

Stranded is not horrible at all - unfortunately, while the story could have been compelling, I found it a bit slow and at times, highly repetitive. I also am still scratching my head, after finishing the book, because I have basically NO clue about most of the characters. There is absolutely ZERO fleshing out of the characters - very little back story and, to be honest, very little depth to them even while the story is unfolding. I would be sort of okay with this, if it meant the author took the opportunity to throw us into a frantic, scary and engrossing story of survival - but that is not the case.

Yes, I loved the fact that the action basically starts from the first paragraph and I was surprised at how quickly the bad stuff starts to happen - all promising great things to follow. Unfortunately, these do not really materialize.

The story of survival is okay and I wasn't skipping entire pages, I did read it through, but I often kept thinking - "didn't we just read something similar in the last chapter?".

Finally, the end feels a bit rushed - it could have been detailed a little more. This is an unusual comment for me, as I often feel as though authors give too many details or use them as filler - but Braun did not do that here and, for the most part, I appreciated it - except it felt as though the last part was way tooooo short on details.

So, a 3 star rating for most of the story and a 3.5 for starting the book with a bang.

Its an okay read, just not as creepy or suspenseful or scary as I would have liked.

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