2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

REVIEW for Infinite in Between

TITLE:           Infinite in Between

AUTHOR:     Carolyn Mackler

GENRE:          YA

RATING:        3 Stars

I am a fan of this author, I have read and reread her books because she does such a fine job of writing about difficult things.

I am unsure how I feel about Infinite in Between.  Firstly, I don't normally like alternate POV (although this book is not really that - its more like reading five different stories about five different people - so it was kind of a challenge for me to actually read this.

Once I engaged in the story the individual voices did not bother me very much, in fact, I can see why Mackler would use this clever writing style because, in the first part of the book, it works well.  

However, I think this is also its weakest link because towards the middle to end of the story, I found that while the author cleverly tied in some of these character threads together, for the most part, the characters basically live separate lives until the (almost) very end.  This made the story feel disconnected for me.

Also, while all the characters were interesting, I wanted to know more about each of their "life events" - unfortunately, just as you feel you are really starting to discover more about a character, the author chooses that point to switch to another voice.  

After a while, it really started to bug me.

I think my favorite character was Mia, but to be honest, I felt as though many life pieces were missing for ALL of them.

The author did leave room for a sequel - so that might answer some of the questions but.....

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