2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

CELEBRATING FALL (it's not what you think)

Most people will be surprised to see a picture of bell peppers on this blog post - considering the fact that its Autumn and my pumpkin ANYTHING addiction,  which is well known (and well documented on my FB page, thanks to my friends, LOL) is in full swing.

However, I wanted to blog about how happy and proud I am of my small peppers - because these are the very first fruits/vegetables I have ever grown!  

Granted, they were grown indoors, but still - there was something soothing about looking at the buds and watching them grow a little bit each day as I watered and talked to them.  The entire experience was mesmerizing and kind of calming - I loved it.  Not sure I would have the patience for a whole outdoor garden (because - let's face it, I have ZERO patience), but I am definitely going to grow something again next year - maybe pumpkins??????  

Soooooo, Charlie Brown pumpkin patch next year :)  


Jennifer | Mrs Q Book Addict said...

Congratulations! I haven't grow anything either. I'm not even good with houseplants. Alot of people grows tomatoes and other herbs on their balcony. That might be something you can look into.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh my gosh, those are some awesome looking peppers Tina! Great job!
I had a huge garden and I had peppers and tomatoes coming out of my ears (well not literally). But I only grew green bell peppers so next year I will grow more of a variety. I had to actually buy peppers for salsa.

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