2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

REVIEW for Big Fat Disaster

On October 2, 2015, Big Fat Disaster, by Beth Fehlbaum,  will be released in paperback in Canada and the US.

I have read this book in electronic form, but I pre-ordered the book because I wanted to have a hard copy of it to read again (and in the future). You can get a copy at:


or in the US:


Sorry, I have never mastered the art of  "html links" but you can simply copy either of these links.

In the meantime, I thought I would blog my original review.

This is an important book to read no matter your age.  

Absolutely one of the most difficult and raw books I have ever read on eating disorders to come under the word "fiction".

Colby finds a picture that will send her family and life into a downward spiral - with a family that does not know the meaning of the word selfless, this book will pull at every emotion you have - which for me, means suffering along with Colby as everybody in the world berates, laugs and totally disrespects her because she suffers from binge eating.

Suffering from the same eating disorder, I have to say that the author hit the feelings "right on" when describing the hell that a person goes through, thanks to an eating disorder. I found myself getting angry at Colby's family - how can anyone live through such horrible behavior? and I found myself yelling at Colby for not standing up for herself and not finding her voice. This aspect of the story made me mad and pissed me off.

However, the rest of the story is so true - and the writing so honest that I will be asking a few people in my life to read this book - to better understand what eating disorders are about. I am so proud that the author chose to acknowledge binge eating as being a disorder - so little has been written on this aspect of eating disorders and I want to give the author kudos.


bermudaonion said...

Wow, I can tell this struck a chord with you. I'm adding it to my wish list.

Beth Fehlbaum, Author said...

Thank you so much, Tina! You rock!

Unknown said...

I'm definitely going to get this when it comes out!

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