2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

REVIEW for Lush By Kerry Cohen

Thank you to the wonderful people at SourceBooks for giving me an electronic copy of this book to read and review.

TITLE:               LUSH

AUTHOR:          Kerry Cohen

GENRE:             Memoir/non fiction

RATING:            5 Stars

How much do I love Kerry Cohen.  Since Loose Girl, I have read every book she has written and while they have not all been excellent, I have enjoyed them.

Lush....Lush stands out for me, as much as Loose Girl.  Cohen's strength is to write her story - her truth.  This book is both a memoir and an inspiration.  Cohen delves back into her addiction to love (and men) while showing us (and herself) the similarities between addictions - cross addicting to booze.

Interestingly, Cohen did not start drinking until middle age and she analyses this aspect, which confuses her in the beginning, only to realize that, in some way or another, she and many other people cross addict all the time.  

If you insult easily don't read this book. Cohen doesn't mince words and doesn't put herself up on a pedestal.

My personal interest, in this book, peeked when she looks at addiction and gives us her view of what an addict is and what addiction is.  Many of what she said touched a nerve and I found myself nodding.  While she and I don't share the same addiction, Cohen touches on how all addictions (be it to booze, men, drugs, gambling, food) can cause misery.

I don't agree with Cohen's view on AA, but I do admire her for doing so much research and trying to think outside the box.  

What a great, great, sad story this is.  I hope Cohen writes a lot more about her life.  I would be right in line to buy the books.

The only negative I will give this book is that at one point, Cohen says she wishes she had an eating disorder (or words to that effect).  Kerry.......believe me, you don't wish that. 

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