2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

REVIEW for Gang Girl by Nancy Miller

Thank you to the publisher, Lorimer Kids & Teens, for sending me an ecopy of this book to read and review.

TITLE:                    Gang Girl

AUTHOR:              Nancy Miller

GENRE:                  YA - social theme

RATING:                 3 stars

This book was a little odd.  Not a horrible odd, just a bit out there.

Sasha is Russian and she got in trouble in Russia so her well to do parents send her to Canada.  Almost from the first second she is here, she ends up with the "mean girls" and has to devise a clever plan to get out of some serious stuff she did with them.

I find the story interesting but the reality is a little out there.  These girls are all thought to be doing good works, but really they are cheating, stealing and doing other horrible things. The lead who is nicknamed "master" is something else.  She is all kinds of horrible and does not have one redeeming feature and, of course, Sasha ends up with the boy that master covets.

Its all so unlikely and destructive, I am not sure what the point of this book was.  None of the characters are fleshed out - at all.  The parental guidance in this book is ZERO and we don't even get to really discover who Jake is, other than he clamps onto Sasha and becomes her boyfriend.

Who does not love reading about mean girls and from this point of view, the author wrote an entertaining book, but you have to be willing to suspend your disbelief - a lot.

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