2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

REVIEW of Kid Rex

I want to say a very special thank you to Sarah who was so kind in sending this absolutely heartwarming book to me!
You rock Sarah!!!!

TITLE: Kid Rex
AUTHOR: Laura Moisin
GENRE: Recovery-Memoir
RATING: 5 Stars +++++

I have an eating disorder and I am currently in recovery - its not easy. However, what makes it much easier for me is knowing that there are many, many people out there who suffer from the same disease as I do.

That is why I absolutely love to read books on the subject - especially when they are of the sensitivity, quality and honesty displayed in Kid Rex. This is a heartwrenching, honest and beautiful book written by someone who has been there and has lived to tell about it.

Yes, its extremely difficult to read this book - the experiences, thoughts, feelings and emotions of the author are on display for all to see, but that is just the point - no more hiding behind the food (whether it be anorexia, bulimia or overeating).

The author tells us like it is - this is not a fairy tale where everyone comes out at the end with a big smile, having resolved all of the issue. Eating disorders are insidious and run deep, but Kid Rex gives up hope - illuminates without judging and is touching and moving.

I LOVED this book and I am in awe of the author who has the courage to 'feel' again and to share with us.


Alyce said...

It is wonderful when authors share something this deep within them. It is so brave! (And brave of you to share too.)

Great review!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Sounds like an amazing book. I really love "true-life" stories!


Stephanie said...

Another one I'll be looking out for. You have great taste in books. :)

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