2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

REVIEW for Some Girls Are

A big thank you goes out to author Courtney Summers and publicist Katy for sending me a copy of this book!

TITLE: Some Girls Are

AUTHOR: Courtney Summers

RATING: 4 Stars
Reading this book did a couple of things to me at the same time. First off, I found myself getting into the storyline from the first line - this book is entertaining but more than that, it is powerful and enthralls you. Secondly, it brought me back to my days as a YA in the early late 70's (yes folks! I am THAT old) where the biggest problem we faced was getting caught with the guys hand down your blouse (I swear that never happened to me!). But being a YA in this day and age is scary - bullying has become epidemic and these young people seem to have it down to a science.

In Some Girls Are, author Summers chooses to show us both sides of what it really means to be a "mean girl". Our main character Regina is a mean girl and likes it. She moves with the in crowd and particularly Anna Morrisson who is the "it" girl. I have always wondered what makes a girl so special that she somehow becomes so powerful? it has always struck me as odd. Anyway, one night, Regina finds herself in a difficult situation and the next day, rumors start flying that Regina did "something" with Anna's boyfriend - of course, Anna blames it all on Regina and Regina ends up knowing just what its like to be on the receiving end of one of the "mean girls".

What makes this novel special to me is that Courtney Summers chooses to write Regina differently than I would have thought. In fact, even while Regina is exiled and getting the full blunt of what it feels like to be bullied, she continues to be a bitch and to plot and plot herself. At the same time, I felt completely sorry for her and found myself going back and forth with my emotions for her. This is what was so compelling in this storyline for me. I actually did not like the main character most of the time, but still felt for her.

The writing is down and gritty and I loved it. Perfect for this storytelling.

I loved this book.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

You must be about the same age as I am. I think my parents' biggest fear was that we might smoke a cigarette - how times have changed.

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