2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

REVIEW for Diary of a Beverly Hills Matchmaker

TITLE:         Diary of a Beverly Hills Matchmaker

AUTHOR:    Marla Martenson

GENRE:       Humour

RATING:      4 Stars

Diary of a Beverly Hills Matchmaker is one of those books - kind of chick lit -but in real life. In fact, I kept forgetting that this book was a "true" story instead of a novel.

Author Marla is so entertaining, real and honest as she details (in funny to funny minute installements) what life can be for a matchmaker - from both sides - the matchmaker's point of view AND the client.

What truly entertains in this book is just how "clueless" some of her clients trulye are - they seem to think that they are Richard Gere, when, in fact, they are more like Richard Klein - while they expect to be matched up with Julia Roberts types each and every time - amazing.

I felt like I was privy to some secret information and I loved it. The writing style is fun and breezy and the stories are DELISH!!


Wall-to-wall books said...

Hi, I am back from vacation! Miss me?
This book sounds great! Have you read - "You'll Never Nanny in this Town Again: The True Adventures of a Hollywood Nanny" by Suzanne Hansen
that was a great book too!

bermudaonion said...

This book does sound interesting - I didn't even know there were matchmakers around these days.

Tina said...

Hi Wendy: Welcome Back!!! yes, I did read that book and I loved it :)

I look forward to reading all about your vacation - hopefully with pictures :)

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