2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, August 6, 2010

REVIEW for The Recessionistas

Thank you to the wonderful people at Hachette Books for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:          The Recessionistas

AUTHOR:     Alexandra Lebenthal

GENRE:        Novel (sort of chick lish)

RATING:      2 Stars

Okay, I will own up here and say that The Recessionistas is one of those books that totally frustrated me. While the entire premise was interesting - "power couples" with way too much money and very little common sense all have to come to terms with the fact that they may no longer have millions and millions to play with.

This premise, as I say, was extremely fascinating to me and while it did a good job of moving the story forward, I just found myself not connecting to any of the characters in the least - in fact, I downright hated most of them. While this does not usually present a problem to me (I don't mind reading about flaws characters) the author simply went way over the top - every character is so self centered and spoiled that I found myself completely losing interest in most of the story.

While I realize that, in the high world of big money, many people are probably incredibly flawed - I think that the author just went too far. In fact, although the authors does basically write about the lives of a few couples, who end up being more or less entertwined, I found myself thinking that I was really reading about one couple -over and over again - considering the fact that each character was so similar.

I rated this book a 2 star because of the potential it had, especially in the first few chapters - but frankly, after a while, it all got to be a bit of a bore.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

Too bad it was a stinker for you.

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