2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

REVIEW for It Started with a Dare

Thank you to author Lindsay Faith Rech for sending me this book!

TITLE:                 It Stared with a Dare

AUTHOR:           Lindsay Faith Rech

GENRE:              YA

RATING:            4 Stars

Okay, It Started with a Dare is exactly the type of book that i can't ever get enough of. I have to admit that I was not exacty "enthralled" in the first few pages, but as soon as the major characters got together and CJ started with her "lies" I was totally and completely hooked.

Firstly, CJ is, for the most part, shallow and manipulative, although the author also makes it clear that CJ is, well, basically a teenager who is trying to fit in and be liked - we have all been there.

Some of the stuff that CJ does - basically lies and just keeps adding to the lies made my skin crawl - I mean, this girl was basically shameless, but still, in an odd way, it worked for her. I somehow never really got the sense that she was basically mean - just incredibly self-centered! This, of course, is a great way to propel the story ahead and it worked wonderfully. I could not wait to see what would come out of her mouth next and how it would affect her group of popular friends.

Interestingly, the author also chose to give each of the other characters, especially Sammie their own storyline - which includes an eating disorder. Of course, for anyone who knows me - this is a subjec that is close to my heart and did a great job of keeping me highly motivated AND intersted in reading this one.

Overall, this book was excellent and I felt as though it ended too quickly. I love books that make me discover just how far we are willing to go to be "in" and to be "liked" and, while I did not like the main character, I could certainly identify with her on many levels.

This one is a great, great read and is definitely worth it.


Wall-to-wall books said...

This sounds like another one for the list for next years Read-a-thon!

bermudaonion said...

I think most kids who behave that way aren't mean - just immature and self centered. Sounds like a fun book!

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