2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

REVIEW for There Goes the Bride

Thank you so much to the publisher for sending me a copy of this book to read and review.

TITLE:            There Goes the Bride

AUTHOR:       Holly McQueen

GENRE:          Fiction (Chick lit)


Okay, first off, I have to say that this book was not what I expected – which was a quick, fluffy read.  While it is a good read and perfect for the summer months (or any other time actually), I was pleasantly surprised (for the most part) to see that these three characters (Bella, Polly and Grace) actually have serious issues – which are explored quite thoroughly by the author.

In fact, that is the strength of this novel, the fact that these women who are connected to each other are each facing their ‘demons’, which the author cleverly ties together in a very interesting and engaging plotline.

For me, the message in this novel comes through loud and clear,  the grass MAY look greener on the other side, but the fact is that other people are living their own set of problems and you probably should not be thinking their lives are better (or easier) than yours.

Not surprisingly, a wedding serves as a jump off place for each of these women – who are all searching for a better life, better mate and, of course, more life security and they are all doing it in their own way.

I like that the author invites us into these women’s lives – where we experience, along with them their ups and downs (and in many cases – more downs than ups).  I like that we feel Grace’s pain at not being loved in the way that she had hoped, as well as Bella’s desire to have a family.  But, it seems at the root of each of their problems are the men in the lives – or is it really that easy?

These women are surprisingly complex and interesting which makes for a very good read.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

It's nice to see this book has a message!

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